Add topic
After the login, you can create your own mind map. Adding topics is the basic step.
Create new
1Choose New from the left panel and you can choose the template you want, including the common Mindmap, Org-Chart Map, Tree Map. Fishbone, Flowchart, etc.

2In the Recommended Theme, you can choose the favorite one and get the exact same pattern. Then you can adjust the content and structure as you need.

Insert topic
1To add sibling topics, you can easily press enter on your keyboard. Or you can right click your mouse and choose Add Topic from the list popping up. In addition, you can click Topic from the top tool bar.

2To add subtopics, just follow the similar procedures which are included in the sibling topic part. Right click and select Add Subtopic. Or click Subtopic from the top tool bar.

Edit topic
After finishing the main structure, you can move on editing it with features MindOnMap provides you with.
Select one of the topics which you want to add a relation line to. Then click Line from the tool bar. Point to the topic which is related to the previously selected topic. In addition, you can adjust its shape by dragging it.

Click Summary from the top tool bar and you can summarize the part you select to make it more clear.

Select the topic in which you want to insert an image. Click Image from the top tool bar and choose Insert image. Then Select folder where the desired image is stored. After all the steps, click OK and you’ll see the image in the topic.

Quite similar to the image inserting, inserting links is easy to handle. Click Link next to Image and choose Insert link. Then finish the Link URL and the corresponding Text.

Choose Comment from the tool bar and click Add comments. Type your comments and click OK. Then you’ll see a text shape in the topic. When you navigate to the shape, you can see the complete comments.

The Icon option is on the right. Here are interesting and practical icons like Priority, Progress, Flag, and Symbol. You can choose one or more according to your need. What’s more, more icons are coming soon.

Change style
1In the right toolbar, select Theme and you’ll see multiple themes for your choice. Choose your favorite one and a notice will pop up. Once clicking OK, the current one will be overwritten.

If you want to change the color of the topic separately, navigate to Color. Here you can choose Single Color or Multicolor.

3In addition, you can also change the background. Choose Backdrop under Theme. You can choose the Color only or Grid.

Navigate to the Style option. Here you can edit the Topic and Structure.
1Under the Topic option, you can change the color, Shape Style, Line Color, etc. of the selected topic. If you want to change those of the subtopic, choose the options under Branch. The Font is also available for change.

2During the mind map editing, you can still change the connection way. Just choose the appropriate template.

Share & Export
1After all editing is done, you can click Share in the top-right corner. Check the box of Password and you can change it yourself. The Valid date is also on your decision. Then click Copy Link and Password and share the link with others.

You can see the shared files in My Share. Select Unshare and others won’t access your mind map through the previous link.

2The export feature is powerful. You can export the finished mind map as JPG, PNG, Word, PDF, etc. with high quality.

In the right tool section, you can see the Outline of your mind map structure.

Navigate to History under Outline, you’ll see the History Version of your editing. You can restore them conveniently.

In the bottom-left corner, by clicking the Hotkeys button, you can get to know all the useful hotkeys, which will save a lot of trouble.

How to Use the Flowchart Function
If you want to make a more professional mind map or diagram, you can use the Flowchart function by clicking the Flowchart button.
Add shape
1After entering the Flowchart function, you can unfold the left panel and select a shape you need to add to the canvas by dragging and dropping the shape.

2If you need to add more shapes and build connections between shapes, you can use your mouse to select the existing shape and move your mouse out of the shape till there is a plus sign around your cursor. Then you can click the plus sign and select the shape you want to add.

Edit shape
After adding shapes, you can input the text by double-clicking the shape. Next, you can select the tool on the top bar to change your text font, color, size, and alignment way. You also can make your text bold and italic. To do more editing on your text, like changing the text’s position and opacity, etc., you can go to Style > Text.

If you want to make your mind map or flowchart more colorful, you can fill color into shapes. To do that, please select the shape you want to edit, click the Fill Color icon on the top bar, select the color, and click the Apply button.

To change your shape opacity, go to the Style panel and select the Style option. You can add more effects to your shapes, including Rounded, Shadow, Glass, and Sketch.
Edit line
You can change the line waypoint by clicking the Waypoints icon. To change the starting point form of the line, you can click the Line Start icon. If you want to change the ending point form of the line, please click the Line End icon.

To change the line color, effect, etc., you can select the line and go to the Style panel.
Change theme
If you do not have enough time to edit shapes and lines one by one, you can directly go to the Theme panel and select the desired one.