Value Stream Map Makers Reviews: Improve Process with Ease

Xade MoralesSaída 16, 2024Revisión

Value Stream Mapping, or VSM is a diagrammatic depiction of the process your company uses to accomplish a specific objective. A VSM is mostly used to determine the root cause of any problem that may be causing your production process's defects and impeding your advancement. For example, if you manufacture clothing, a well-drawn VSM created with an effective tool allows you to evaluate the importance of each phase and identify the ones where you are wasting time on pointless tasks.

With that being said VSMs are crucial for determining the value; therefore, having effective VSM mapping tools that are online and offline that are not only user-friendly but also provide a ton of additional features to make your job easier is necessary. Check this list for your good.

Creador de mapas de fluxos de valor

Parte 1. Que é a IA caprichosa?

Furthermore, any process that has repeating phases, especially one with several handoffs, can benefit from value stream mapping. Because handoffs in production typically entail the handoff of a concrete deliverable through stations, they are simpler to envision. More than that, Value stream mapping, sometimes called visualizing or mapping a process, is not just for use on assembly lines. Because lean value stream mapping fosters improved team dynamics and more productive cooperation, it has become increasingly popular in the knowledge work set-up.

Part 2 Online VSM Creators

Moving on to the second part of this article, we shall now give you the great online tools for remapping a Value Stream map. These online tools can offer various features and help you do it via using your web-browser.


Starting the list with the great tool MindOnMap. This online is known to be a versatile mapping tool because of the features it offers for the users. Here, you can create different maps and flowchart easily using its drag-and-drop features. More than that, the tool offers thousands of shapes and elements that we can use in creating our Value Stream Map with visually appealing output. Therefore, we can conclude that MIndOnMap is indeed a great choice for creating Value Stream Map online for free. No wonder why MindOnMap has the best record on this list. That is because of its great features. You can use it now and create your flowchart instantly.

Mindonmap Save Vsm


• Create flowcharts, tree maps, and process charts.

• Drag-and-drop features.

• Save with a wide file format.

• Fast and High-quality process.

• Files and data are sure with strong privacy.

• Collaborating features.

• Passcode feature for charts.


  • It is free and accessible to everyone.
  • The tool offers a wide choice of elements.
  • The output comes with high quality.
  • No advertisement is available.
  • Clean interface.


  • Extra features must be purchased.


Another tool for the effective and user-friendly value stream mapping programs available on the market right now is EdrawMax Online. With the tool’s availability on all major platforms and ongoing improvements, producing diagrams for nearly any industry is a cinch. Similar to other tools, this also offers different elements like shapes and arrows to build your visual stream maps.

Edraw Max

Características clave

• Has templates for every kind of chart and diagram.

• Diagrams can be exported as an image JPG, PNG, PDF, SVG, MS Office, etc.

• The program can be used with Linux, macOS, and Windows.


  • Wide operating system support
  • It offers a free version.
  • Various templates are available.


  • Simple elements.
  • Lacks with advanced features.
  • Super dependable online.
  • Issues in saving might occur.


Regardless of the type of work you do, SmartDraw is a complete diagramming online tool that can also be used as a VSM program creator. You can use the web browser to view the online version of the application. More than that, what sets this tool apart from other tools is its extraordinary user interface that possesses clean, organized data. Through these clean interfaces, we can now create our Value Stream Map without distraction.


Características clave

• Connectivity with Google Maps, Microsoft Office, and more.

• Automatically controls the spacing and alignment of objects.

• The tool is suitable with Visio.


  • Using the program doesn't require payment.
  • Provides a number of ready-made templates


  • Only provides a few choices for signing up.

Part 3. Offline Tools for VSM

We are now done with the three great online tools above, now, we shall move forward by introducing you to three great offline tools that you can use in creating visual stream maps. Check these incredible for Visual Stream Maps.

Microsoft Visio

Visio provides easily modifiable shapes and pre-made templates for value stream mapping. Increase the efficiency of your organization by working together on expert diagrams and refining your data visualization and decision-making skills.

Visio uses tools like Narrator and Accessibility Checker to prioritize accessibility for a larger audience. While the Accessibility Checker makes sure the diagrams adhere to accessibility guidelines, the Narrator helps users by reading aloud the content of the diagrams.

Microsoft Visio

Características clave

• Advanced Graphics.

• AP Visio JavaScript Mashup.

• Add-Ins for Microsoft Office.


  • It offers professional features.
  • Wide connection with Microsoft.
  • High-quality elements and outputs.


  • No trial or free version
  • For certain users, not intuitive
  • something of a learning curve
  • Online stream mapping is not available for mobile


The next on the list is a value stream mapping software called MindMeister. This tool focuses on mind maps. Real-time mind mapping allows for effective brainstorming and decision-making. Create and edit mind maps together. With features like Mixed-value stream map layouts, presentations, templates, connections, beautiful themes, etc., you may create mind maps for your workflow. With its intuitive design, the platform facilitates accessibility and makes it simple for anybody to participate in the creative process.


Características clave

• Style selections.

• Features that promote collaboration.

• Broad Integration tool.


  • User-friendly mapping interface.
  • Available for everyone.
  • You can freely connect it with other mapping tools.


  • It takes a while for customer care to reply.
  • Numerous people have recommended adding extra features to the free plan.
  • Paid versions might offer more accommodating payment schedules.
  • Larger maps can be a little challenging to navigate.


With its dynamic platform, Lucidchart, your team may collaborate on brainstorming by breaking down complicated concepts into easily understood visuals. Among its notable features are AI Prompt Flow, Android compatibility, and automated diagramming. Utilize this program to chart data flow, establish Scrum teams, and develop business process maps.

What Is-a Value Stream Map

Características clave

• Support for Android.

• Simple File Imports.

• Automated Diagramming Capable


  • Wide features for mapping.
  • Clean and professional UI.
  • Affordable premium version.


  • There's an air of outdatedness in the UI and UX.
  • Inability to synchronize with Microsoft Teams and SharePoint
  • No alternatives for a single purchase
  • Not the greatest experience on a mobile device

Part 4. FAQs about Value Stream Map Creator

How does VSM work step by step?

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a process analysis and optimization technique. The process begins with identifying the good or service that has to be mapped. Next, all of the processes, information, and flows that are currently engaged in providing that good or service are mapped. Finding inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and waste in the current process is the next stage.

What does a value stream map look like?

An illustration of the complete flow of resources, data, and operations needed to create a good or provide a service is called a value stream map. It has symbols for material flows, information flows, processes, and inventory. Typically, the supplier and the buyer are at the beginning and finish of the map, with all the intermediate phases depicted.

What are the three types of VSM?

The Current State Map, Future State Map, and Ideal State Map are the three primary varieties of Value Stream Maps. The Current State Map documents and illustrates the current workflow. After waste is removed and efficiency is increased, the process is envisioned as being better in the Future State Map. The Ideal State Map serves as a long-term vision for initiatives aimed at continual development.

What distinguishes Process Mapping from Value Stream Mapping?

Contrarily, process mapping concentrates more on the distinct decisions and actions that are made during each process within a system. Whereas Process Mapping is more concentrated on the finer details within a particular domain, VSM is more comprehensive and examines the entire flow.

What advantages can value stream mapping offer?

Value Stream Mapping's primary advantages are improved end-to-end process visibility, waste and inefficiency discovery, and a systematic approach to process improvement. Through process alignment with customer needs, VSM helps firms decrease lead times, increase productivity, and improve customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, we can say that creating a Value Stream Map is now possible whether you are using an online or offline tool. We can see above the three online and three offline tools that offer various features but offer the same objective of helping us create a flowchart with ease. More than that, users are recommending MindOnMap as the best online tool because of its wide feature availability plus its outputs with a high-quality resolution for an instant process. Microsoft Visio is a great offline tool for creating maps because of its professionalism and connection with Microsoft tools.

Fai un mapa mental

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Un creador de mapas mentais fácil de usar para debuxar as túas ideas en liña visualmente e inspirar a creatividade.

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