How to Draw a History of Photography Timeline [Tutorial]

Capturing photos is among the perfect ways to keep memories of your families, friends, loved ones, and more. With this technology, you can take a picture of any subject you want in real time. However, don’t you have an idea about this kind of technology? Didn’t you ask yourself about how the camera was created or invented? If so, you can find all the answers from this post. You will get an idea about the history of photography. Aside from that, we will also teach you how to create a perfect history Photography timeline using your computer. With that, you will not only get detailed information about the history but also learn how to make excellent visuals. Without further ado, let's find out everything from this post, especially about photography.

ترسیم جدول زمانی تاریخچه عکاسی

Part 1. How to Draw A History of Photography Timeline

When making a history of Photography timeline, it is recommended to consider using an excellent tool that can guarantee a successful result. With that being said, we would like to introduce MindOnMap. This tool can help you create a timeline easily and effectively. Plus, it can offer various templates, so all you need is to input all the details, making it more convenient. Also, if you want to create a timeline from scratch, you can use its Flowchart feature. This feature allows you to use various shapes, colors, lines, and more. The good thing here is that it has an auto-saving feature. The tool can automatically save your output every time you make changes. So, if you want to use this feature to create an amazing timeline, follow the procedure below.


Create your account to access MindOnMap. Then, use the ایجاد آنلاین option to access the tool's online version. You can also access the offline version by clicking the دانلود buttons below.

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انتخاب کنید جدید بخش و انتخاب کنید فلوچارت feature to view its interface.

ویژگی جدید فلوچارت

حرکت به عمومی section and use the shapes to create the timeline. To add your content, double-click the shapes. You can also use the فونت و پر کنید color option to add color to your shapes and text.

General Font Fill Option

Once you have created the timeline, click the صادرات button above and select your desired format. You can also share the link with other users by using the Share option.

Save Photography Timeline

See here the Photography Timeline.

With the help of this سازنده جدول زمانی, you can easily create the perfect visuals you need. You can even use various templates or create them from scratch. With that, if you want to make an amazing output easily, never doubt the tool’s capabilities.

Part 2. Explanation of Photography Timeline

This part will show you the informative timeline of Photography history. It includes the major eras: Plate, Film, and Digital. After reading, we ensure that you will be knowledgeable enough regarding the discussion. So, to begin obtaining more knowledge, start reading and learning about the timeline.

ترسیم جدول زمانی تاریخچه عکاسی

The Plate Era

Louis Daguerre Made A Presentation - 1839

He presented, also known as a conference, to the French Academy of Science and demonstrated the first photograph, a solver photo on polished metal. After a few days, William Henry Fox Talbot, an Englishman, called a conference to announce that he had been creating photographs on paper for several years already. With that, the controversies and the Plate Era were launched. This era is also considered the early photograph timeline in history.

The Use of Glass - 1851

By 1851, photos that could be contacted printed onto paper were being created using glass. In a darkroom, glass was covered with a light-sensitive emulsion. It was placed in plate holders and exposed to light in a camera. It then only took several minutes to develop the glass plates before the emulsion dried. This method was perfect for a studio where various individuals might collaborate. Someone covered the plates, or someone else ran the camera. Also, it could be someone else who developed the plates.

The New Process was Invented in England - 1867

A new process was invented in England that allows the plates to be covered in a factory and sold to others ready to expose. This means that they don’t have to develop the plates immediately but could be taken back to a location with a dark room to be printed and developed.

The Film Era

George Eastman Invented A Method and A Machine for Covering the Photographic

Emulsion - 1884

George Eastman, a dry plate manufacturer in New York, created a process and apparatus in 1884 for applying photographic emulsion to a flexible substrate. He marketed and created a roll film adaptor for plate cameras. However, the business was challenging for him since the long rolls needed specialized machinery. The film was also more difficult to handle than glass plates. Additionally, it was hard to keep flat, which led to blurry pictures.

First Camera with Roll Film - 1888

Eastman realized that he must have a whole new system based on roll film. In the year 1888, Eastman introduced the first photography with roll film, which is called ' The Kodak.' Its name was selected based on the sound of the camera created when the exposure occurred.

The Appearance of Various Cameras - 1900-2000

Between 1900 and 2000, different cameras, sizes, and quality levels were offered. The Brownie, also known as Instamatic, was an inexpensive roll-film camera that made it possible for everyone to capture photos of their family, friends, and vacations. Film cameras from manufacturers like Pentax, Nikon, Leica, and Canon raised the bar for photography.

The Digital Era

Cameras with 5 Megapixel - 2002

By 2002, most popular camera manufacturers offered 5-megapixel cameras in the $1,000–$1,500 price range. This placed them within the reach of serious photographers who were eager to use programs fully. It includes Adobe Photoshop, which is ready for all the perks of digital photography.

Photography is always evolving. It even introduces various cameras that offer various features that can satisfy photographers and other users. So, if you don’t want to be left out, all you need to do is stay tuned for the latest update regarding the topic while keeping on track with the photography history timeline.

Part 3. FAQs about How to Draw A History of Photography Timeline

What are the three historical periods of photography?

The three historical periods of Photography are the Plate, Film, and Digital Eras. Each era shows how photography evolved from black-and-white to color.

What was the first photograph in history?

The first photograph is called 'View From the Window at Le Gras.' This photograph was created by a French photographer, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.

Did photos exist in 1960?

Absolutely, yes. This year, you can also get a photo with colors. With that, you can enjoy and view the photos with more details.


It is simple to create the History of Photography timeline, right? Thanks to this post, you have obtained another insight into the Photography timeline. So, if you are interested in making a timeline, we would like to recommend MindOnMap. This remarkable tool can assist you in achieving your desired timeline easily and smoothly.

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