French History Timeline to Know the Whole Details

Are you interested in learning the Frantziako historiaren kronograma? If so, we encourage you to read this article. This blog's content is about the history of France and includes key events. In addition to that, you will also get an idea of how to make a timeline using an excellent tool on your computer. After reading this whole post, we will ensure that you will learn everything about history and more. Therefore, if you want to start learning about the topic, let's begin reading the post.

French History Timeline

Part 1. French History Timeline

France is a nation steeped in culture and history. It played a significant role in molding the world, from the Roman conquest to the French Revolution. It also includes the rise of the First Empire. Plus, France's history is a tapestry woven with social, political, and cultural threads. So, if you want to know more about the nation's history, we have provided the timeline below.

See here the French History Timeline.

Conquest of Gaul 58–50 BCE

Conquest Of Julius

An ancient territory known as Gaul. It is a part of France, Belgium, West Germany, and Italy. The Roman Republic dispatched Julius Caesar to subjugate the region. It happened after seizing control of the southern coastal strip and Italian regions in France in 58 BCE, in part to thwart German and Gallic assaults. Caesar battled the Gallic nations from 58 to 50 BCE. He is the one who banded together to oppose him under Vercingetorix (82–46 BCE), who was routed at the siege of Alésia.

German Settle in Gaul 406 CE

German Settle In Gaul

Germanic people crossed the Rhine in the early part of the fifth century. They were settled by the Romans and considered a self-governing group. The Burgundians settled in the southeast, the Franks settled in the north, and the Visigoths settled in the southwest.

Clovis Unites The Franks 481-511

Clovis Unites The Franks

The Franks settled in Gaul during the last part of the Roman Empire. In the half of the fifth century, Clovis I succeeded to the throne of the Salian Franks. It is a kingdom located in the northeastern regions of France and Belgium. By the time of his death, this kingdom had gotten the last Franks and swept across most of western and southern France. For the following two centuries, the area would be ruled by the Merovingians.

Charlemagne Succeeds to The Throne 751

Charlemagne Succeeds To The Throne

A line of nobles known as the Carolingians replaced the declining Merovingians. Charlemagne (742–814) ascended to the monarchy of various Frankish countries in 751. He is also known as Charles The Great. He became a ruler after twenty years. On Christmas Day in 800, the Pope crowned him Emperor of the Romans. Charles is known as Charles I in lists of French monarchs. He plays an important role in the histories of both France and Germany.

Creation of West Francia 843

Creation Of West Francia

After the Civil War, the three grandsons of Charlemagne agreed to divide the Empire, which was also included in the Treaty of Verdum 843. Part of the settlement was the creation of West Francia, also known as Francia Occidentalis. West Francia was under the control of Charles II, known as Charles The Bald.

Reign of Philip II 1180-1223

Government Of Richelieu

Territories in 'France' were possessed by the English crown by the French crown. It happened when they inherited the Angevin domains. With that, they created the so-called 'Angevin Empire'. This was changed by Philip II, who increased France's dominion and power by getting parts of the continental areas that were owned by the English crown. The title of King of the Franks was also changed to King of France by Philip II, also known as Philip Augustus.

The 100 Years War 1337-1453

100 Years War

Another great event in the timeline history of France is the 100 Years war. Edward II claimed the French throne due to the dispute of the English held by France. It leads to a continuous war between the two. The war only ended when Henry V became victorious.

Government of Richelieu 1624-1642

Government Of Richelieu

Cardinal Richelieu is known outside France as one of the bad characters. But in real life, he acted as chief minister of France. He's always fighting and succeeding to raise the monarch's power and break the military strength of the nobles and Huguenots. Although he didn't contribute that much, he proved himself a man of great ability.

The French Revolution 1789-1802

The French Revolution

King Louis XVI called an Estates General to determine new tax legislation. This was a response to a financial crisis. Under pressure from both outside and inside France, political and economic systems began to change. This led to the declaration of a republic and, eventually, the establishment of a government by terror.

Napoleonic Wars 1802-1815

The Napoleonic Wars

Napoleon took advantage of the opportunities provided by the Revolutionary Wars and the French Revolution. It is to rise to the top and seize power in a coup. With that, the last part came in his favor, and he declared himself the Emperor of France.

Declaration of Fifth Republic 1959

Declaration Fifth Republic

The Fifth Republic came on January 8, 1959. Charles de Gaulle, known as the hero of World War II, was the chief architect of the new constitution, which gave the presidency more control than the National Assembly. He also became the first president of the new era.

Part 2. Best French History Timeline Maker

Are you looking for an excellent tool to create a timeline of French history? If so, try MindOnMap. This mind-mapping tool allows you to create a timeline easily and effectively. It is because you can already use some templates that can ease your work. In addition to that, you can create a colorful timeline since it has all the needed functions. You can also adjust the theme, font size, style, color, and more. With that, we can tell that the tool is more suitable for all users. What's more, when it comes to accessibility, the tool won't disappoint you. You can access the tool on both browsers and desktops. So, if you want the best timeline maker, it is the right tool to use. Follow the simple way below to begin creating the timeline.


Open your browser and view MindOnMap's main web page. Then, click Sortu Sarean to start using the tool. You can also use its offline version if you want.

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Ondoren, egin klik Berria section, and you can select your preferred template for the timeline-creation process. You can also use the Arrain-hezurra txantiloia.

New Fishbone Template

After that, you can start creating the timeline. Click the Gai Nagusia to type your main topic. Then, click the Gai function above to add more topics.

Add The Topic

Once you are done creating the French history timeline, you can save it by clicking the Export button and choosing your preferred output format.

Save The Timeline

Using this timeline maker, you can ensure an excellent timeline. It can even provide a simple layout to make the work easier and faster. So, if you think the tool is helpful, it would be best to access it on your browser and desktop.

Part 3. FAQs about French History Timeline

What were the main periods of French history?

French history includes various major periods, including the Gaulish Period, the Roman Period, the Merovingian and Carolingian Dynasties, the Medieval, Renaissance, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Period.

What was France before it became France?

The region was called Gaul before it became France. It was inhabited by the Celtic tribes, who were called Gauls.

What was France called in the 1700s?

It is called the Kingdom of France. This period is known as the absolute monarchy, in which a king can control everything. Louis XIV, or the Sun King, was a powerful figure in this era.


The French History Timeline is a perfect visual presentation if you want to learn more about the history of France. You can rely on this post to learn more about the nation. Plus, if you want to create your timeline with understandable visuals, we suggest using MindOnMap. It can offer all the elements, especially templates, that you need to create a successful timeline.

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