Trouble-Free Way to Create A French Revolution Timeline

Jade Moralesoct. 21, 2024Com

The French Revolution became a remarkable event in the history of Europe. It makes a significant shift in terms of economic, political, and social structures. It also contains various events that are hard to forget until these days. So, if you are new to this kind of topic, maybe we can help you give an idea about history. In this post, we will explain the revolution in detail. After that you will also get to know how to make a French Revolution timeline easily and smoothly using the most exceptional tool online and offline. After reading the tutorial, we can guarantee that you can already create your timeline without encountering any hardships. Thus, if you want to learn everything from this article, read the discussion immediately.

Make French Revolution Timeline

Part 1. What is The French Revolution Timeline

The French Revolution timeline covers the key events that had a major impact on Europe and the world. This timeline shows the chronological order of the events, which can help you stay on track without getting confused. So, if you are a history lover and interested in the revolution, you can read the proceeding sections. You will see the details of the timeline, along with the method for creating one using an excellent creador de línies de temps.

Part 2. How to Create A French Revolution Timeline

As we have mentioned above, we are also going to teach you to create an understandable timeline to track the French Revolution easily. So, if you are looking for an exceptional timeline maker, use MindOnMap. Using this helpful timeline maker, you can create an amazing visual presentation to show the timeline of the French Revolution. During the creation process, you can use various functions. You can add your main topic and subtopic using the functions below. You can also use various themes to create a colorful timeline. In addition to that, you can change the font size so you can adjust them to make them bigger and more readable. Aside from that, the tool will let you save your timeline in various ways. You can save the results on your MindOnMap account or download them in various formats. So, if you want to create an engaging timeline to present the French Revolution, follow the simple tutorial below.


After accessing MindOnMap, you can create your account or connect it to your Gmail. Then, tick Crear en línia to begin the procedure. To use the offline version, hit the descarregar botons.

Tick Create Online Option
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Then, from the new web page, click Nou. Després d'això, feu clic a Espina de peix template to start with the timeline-creation process.

Click New Fishbone Template

Now, Double-click the Central topic button to insert your main topic, which is French Revolution History. Then, click the Subtema button above to insert your subtopic, which is the key events from the Revolution.

Central Topic Sub Topic

Once you have created the timeline, you can make it more colorful using the Theme function. Go to the right interface and select your preferred theme.

Select Preferred Theme

To save your final timeline, click the Desa button above to keep it on your account. To download the timeline, hit the Exporta botó i trieu el format desitjat.

Save Export French Revolution Timeline

See here the complete French Revolution timeline.

After using the tool, we can tell that creating the timeline is simple and effective. It can offer all the needed functions and lets you save the result in various formats. It can even offer a Theme function to make a colorful output. With that, we can conclude that MindOnMap is among the online tools to use to generate an astonishing timeline.

Part 3. French Revolution Timeline Explanation

Are you interested in learning about the key events during the French Revolution? You are in the right section. In this part, you will discover all the key events you can learn about the Revolution, especially from the Assembly Phase to the Napoleonic Era. So, to learn more, read the information below.

French Revolution Timeline Visual

Detailed Explanation of The French Revolution Timeline

National Assembly Phase of The French Revolution - 1789

• The French were not happy in 1789. The country was in debt as a result of the war and King Louis XVI's extravagant habits. Furthermore, the peasants had experienced illness and droughts. With that problem, it made the harvest insufficient. These hungry, destitute peasants had enough. As a result, they began to rebel. A political organization named the Third Estate demanded that the government be reformed. So, a number of events transpired quickly, one after the other. It resulted in France establishing a constitutional monarchy.

Tennis Court Oath - 1789

• On June 20th, the Third Estate became the National Assembly. They protested in the court of the Estate General building after the unsuccessful attempt to take it over.

Storming The Bastille - 1789

• King Louis XVI built up ammunition and supplies. Its main purpose is to take back its absolute power. But on July 14th, something unexpected happened. The Parison mob destroys the Bastille, along with the ammunition depot, defeating his attempt.

Declaration of Man - 1789

• The Declaration of Man was the first attempt to establish democratic ideas. It was proclaimed when the nobles of the National Assembly denied feudalism.

Women's March on Versailles - 1789

Civil Constitution of The Clergy - 1789

• On July 12th, the Legislative Assembly and a constitution were established. The Constitution succeeded in separating the state from the church and established a limited monarchy.

Escape of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette - 1791

• The reign of King Louie ended in 1791. The family tried to escape France by going to Austria. However, while escaping, they were caught. Austria wanted France to support their King. However, they became a bit frustrated when they rejected the offer. After that, another bloody event occurred, which was war.

The Reign of Terror Phase - 1792-1794

• Things became heated in France when King Louie and Marie tried to escape. France declared war against them since they didn't want to listen to Austria. After that, France became a republic. King was punished and executed using the new invention. It is called the Guillotine. As a result, the true Reign of Terror unfolded.

France Declares War - 1792

• The manner in which France overthrew Louis upset the monarchs throughout Europe. But they were also not going to unite to wage war. The French Revolutionary Wars started when France declared war on Austria.

The Reign of Terror Ends - 1794

• Not surprisingly, France found out that de Robespierre wasn't a good person. He is using fear and hate to kill innocent people. On July 28th, they put Robespierre to death, ending his reign of terror.

The New Constitution Adopted - 1795

• When the Reign of Terror ended, France must have a Constitution for the republic. With that, the Constitution of the Year III was signed into legislation. Then, it was put in the power in a directory of the five wealthy directory constituents.

The Rise of Napoleon - 1795

• People were angry because the Directory wasn't performing up to standard. The royalist crowd turned to the streets because their main goal was to overthrow the Directory. Napoleon Bonaparte started his rise to power in September 1795 by saving the Directory.

Fall of The Directory and Rise of the Consul - 1799

• The people greeted Napoleon's return from the battles. He was considered a national hero, and they realized that The Directory was incompetent. Therefore, on November 7th and 8th, a coup that included Napoleon overthrew The Directory. In August 1802, Napoleon was appointed First Consul. He was also appointed Consul for Life to fill the role of great leader for the new governmen,t.

Now you have given an idea about the timeline for the French Revolution. With that, you know some of the important events that are worth remembering. Well, this revolution is also among the events in the French history timeline.

Part 4. FAQs about How to Make A French Revolution Timeline

When did the French Revolution begin and end?

The Revolution started in 1789, which was the first phase of the French Revolution. It ended in 1799, which was the Napoleonic Era.

What is the order of events in the French Revolution?

Well, various major events happened during the French Revolution. To see them in order, it would be best to view their timeline. The good thing here is that the post already provided the timeline so that you can see the events under the French Revolution in order.

What was the main reason for the French Revolution?

Based on the research, one of the main reasons for the French Revolution was the position of honor and political power. As we all know, those people with power can control the nation.


You can trust this post on making the French Revolution timeline perfect. Plus, this post contains major events that you can explore during the Revolution. With that, you can keep track of this kind of history. Plus, if you want to create an astounding timeline easily and effectively, it is best to operate MindOnMap. Besides its intuitive interface, it can help you create an understandable and colorful timeline without any trouble.

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