Process Mapping on Business: How and When You Should Use it
Business process mapping is one of what you need to know if you want to establish a business. Why? Because there are some studies that show that this kind of method in mapping can show transparency, clarity, systematic control, and good operational norms in the business. It is essential to attain these factors to practice efficient employee and process visibility within your negotiations. However, it would be best if you have a piece of knowledge about process mapping because that will be your guide to creating a successful business process in the first place. Therefore, brace yourself, and let's start to understand the meaning, usage, and process of map symbols.

- Part 1. What Precisely is Process Mapping
- Part 2. Popular Process Map Diagram Symbols You Should Know
- Part 3. When to Use Process Map
- Part 4. How to Make a Process Map Complete Guidelines
- Part 5. FAQs About Process Mapping
Part 1. What Precisely is Process Mapping
Process mapping is an act of making a visual representation that depicts the process and workflow within the strategy of the task. In other words, a process map is where you will see the description and illustration of how the thing gets done. Hence, the outline of a process map should contain steps, identification of the task owners, and a timeline of when the task is expected to finish. And this is what process mapping is.
In addition, you should know that there are different kinds of process maps. These process maps are what you can use on your business process, and these are the flowchart, swimlane, value-added chain diagram, process flow chart, and many more. Correspondingly, process maps come with tons of symbols that indicate the meanings of the process; however, since you are just starting, better to use only the most important ones that we will present below.
Part 2. Popular Process Map Diagram Symbols You Should Know
The following are only some of the many symbols in a process map. The specified symbols are the ones that give much essential in creating a process map.
Activity - This symbol is a description of actual work or task. Furthermore, it should occur in the process flow map with one task per activity to distinguish any point of failure easily.

Terminal Activity - It is the symbol that shows the start of the process as well as its ending. In a process map, it's okay to put several terminal activity symbols. After all, there may be multiple start and endpoints in a process.

Decision - As its name suggests, this symbol depicts the decision or an answer to the problem. Also, the arrows connected to it should contain yes or no answers.

Inspection - This symbol indicates that an inspection needs to be done in the process. This inspection symbol plays an essential role in the process map diagram, especially in the auditing, testing, and review process.

Storage - If you want to show something that has been stored for quite some time, this symbol is the one you should use. It should indicate the description of the item, where it came from, and its destination.

Input or Output - As its name says, this symbol contains the inputs and outputs in response to the previous characters in the procedure.

Connecting Line - This line will connect the symbols you need to link. In addition, it also indicates the path of the process, and as mentioned previously, you can put notes on this connecting line marking the answer to the decision on your process flow map.

Part 3. When to Use Process Map
When should you use a process map? Well, if you are a business owner, you should use a process map as soon as you are already managing people and stocks. Because, as we have told you previously, a process map on the business will show the transparency in your running business. In addition, it will also lessen errors in the procedure as everyone will be able to see and study the map. Not just that, for you to identify excess and discrepancies on the thing to manage, this process map will be a great help. Using the process map symbols above, you will quickly identify the factors that need a thorough investigation.
Part 4. How to Make a Process Map Complete Guidelines
If you want to practice what you just learned, we highly recommend you use the number one process mapping tool around the globe, MindOnMap. Furthermore, this tool will let you experience professional-like process maps within the most accessible procedures that amateurs can follow easily. The fact that MinOnMap is an online tool makes more and more users switch. Why? Because, unlike the other web-based mapping tools, MindOnMap gives the most secure and the most reliable encounter ever. Imagine you wouldn't encounter any bugging ads that will interrupt you.
What's more, you will enjoy using the process map symbols this tool has, for it offers excellent shapes, colors, connectors, icons, and styles that you can use all for free! Oh, not to mention its ability to share your map online for a more accessible presentation and collaboration with your team! So, what are you waiting for? Gather all the information you need for your process map, then immediately follow the step below.
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Go to your browser and go to its official website. Once you reach it, click the Create Your Mind Map tab, and log in using your email.

Once logged in, go to the New tab and begin to select a template for your process flow map. On this note, better to choose the Org-Chart Map (Down).

Now on the main interface, start expanding the map by adding nodes. Hit the TAB key to add a node. Then, freely organize each node base on your preferences.

Now, let's follow the basic symbols to make it a process map. Change the shape and colors of the nodes. Click each node and go to the Menu Bar to change the shape. Then, click the Styles, and choose among the selections under the Shape. Also, to change the colors, go and navigate on the Paint selection beside the shape.

You can optionally apply a background to your process flow map. On the same menu bar, move to Theme, then click the Backdrop. Choose among the beautiful colors and grid textures you want.

Finally, save or export the process map. Hit CTRL+S on your keyboard to save, click the Export button, and choose to select a format.

Part 5. FAQs About Process Mapping
Can I use PowerPoint in process mapping?
Yes. PowerPoint can help you make a process map, for it comes with a SmartArt feature that contains ready-made templates.
What is the disadvantage of making a process map?
The disadvantages of making a process map are the process itself because making a map will consume time. Also, it would be best if you were familiarized with the symbols to use.
Is there a free template of a process map for a basic flowchart in Excel?
Yes. Excel has available process map templates for a basic flow chart. To find them, go to Insert>Illustrations>SmartArt. Or you can click here to explore more available process map templates.
You should know by now the fundamentals of process mapping. Indeed, it requires knowledge and skills to create one. That's why we introduced to you the best companion you can use, the MindOnMap to make a process map easily. Thus, to make this task convenient, try the best tool now!