Knowledge Map: Get to Know Its Meaning and Benefits
Understanding how a business works or how to run an organization properly won’t be complete without knowing how to administer or create a knowledge map. For this reason, we give you every information you need to know about it as you read further below.

- Part 1. What Precisely is Knowledge Map and Its Benefits?
- Part 2. Great Tips in Making a Knowledge Map
- Part 3. The Best Knowledge Map Maker in Town
- Part 4. FAQs about Knowledge Maps
Part 1. What Precisely is Knowledge Map and Its Benefits?
What is Knowledge Map?
The knowledge graph or map is an illustration that will let you identify pieces of knowledge, including its gaps and flow. Furthermore, this map is purely about implicit and explicit knowledge. So, for a person who wants to enhance his ability to manage, share, and transfer knowledge, this map is perfect for her. But one should note that this kind of map doesn’t store the knowledge for you because it only shows the direction to recover it. So to give you more details about the meaning of the knowledge map, here are various types you should know.
1. Conceptual - This type shows the taxonomy or the hierarchical classifications of the knowledge information.
2. Procedural - This type of KM is the one that depicts the procedure or a method in complying with a task as its name suggests. Here, you will see the guidelines for doing something. Procedural KM is the one showing implicit knowledge.
3. Core Competency KM - This knowledge map helps improve an employee's capabilities. It helps her performance, develops and explores opportunities, and assists in determining who the right people on the job are.
What is Knowledge Mapping?
On the other hand, knowledge mapping assists in identifying knowledge assets, improving organization, solving problems, and socializing with newcomers. It is an essential process in the knowledge management tree because it visually maps a company's intellectual capital. In addition, through knowledge mapping, stakeholders have a clear vision of the vital information, the moves, gaps, and the challenges the company has.
Benefits of Knowledge Mapping
Below are the benefits you can expect from this kind of mapping.
1. This mapping helps the process of decision-making. By looking at the data in the knowledge graph or map, employees can locate and identify the problems quickly and, therefore, locate the best solutions to them.
2. It improves team collaboration within and outside the organization. One good advantage of this mapping is that it helps the team collaborate as they work together to enhance, share, and transfer knowledge.
3. It helps to retain knowledge. This map is the knowledge partner of the employees or even a non-employee people, for it keeps a record of their experiences.
4. It helps you identify your knowledge gap. If you lack knowledge in one area, this knowledge of information mapping will help you identify your weak spots.
Part 2. Great Tips in Making a Knowledge Map
We will not let this article slide without giving you the great tips you can follow in creating a map for knowledge. So, without further adieu, see the following pieces of advice that will be very helpful for you.
1. Set Your Goal
Start by strategizing your goal. Please note that your goal is to achieve something that will fit your current state and will integrate knowledge into the workflow.
2. Scrutinize the Process in the Business
After setting your goal, you can move to review the crucial process in your business. Through this, you will also identify the topic that will fit your map before mapping.
3. Identify the Guidelines
This tip is for those who will do the Procedural kind of knowledge map. Here, it only talks about the procedure to do the strategy you would want to imply. Moreover, it would be necessary to involve your teammates to include all the critical steps that your map needs to have because, as the saying goes, two heads are better than one. As an additional, in doing the steps, you need to include knowledge in each. This means you will apply the purpose of this map by infusing pieces of knowledge into the procedures.
4. Make the Map Accessible
We will not complete this map without sharing it with your team, which will comply with one of the advantages of this map when it comes to collaboration. You will need the help of your knowledge mapping software in doing it.
5. Keep on Improving and Updating the Map
This knowledge map will be more helpful if you keep updating it. As part of this, you should also update the links you included in the map.
Part 3. The Best Knowledge Map Maker in Town
After learning all the things you need to know about the knowledge graph, it's time for you to keep in touch with the best tool for doing the map, the MindOnMap. It is an online program that is infused with stunning features and elements that suit your knowledge map. Furthermore, this program can accomplish the factors for you to meet the crucial benefits and tips we gathered in the previous parts. The first one is its collaboration capability. One of the beautiful features of MindOnMap is its ability to share maps online swiftly, securely, and freely. For the second one, it lets users add external and internal link pages to your map and update them now and then.
Despite the fact of being online, too, MindOnMap has proven its safety usage. This is due to having an ad-free page and interface that plays a crucial role in making it safe from bugs. Having these all said, you may now use it for free by following the simple steps on how to create a knowledge map below.
Secure Download
Secure Download
Access its official website using your computer desktop or any device, including phones. In there, click the Login button on the right upper part. Then, to create your account and cloud storage, click to log in using your email account.

You will now see the main web interface of the tool, where you will see outstanding features for creating different diagrams, maps, and charts. On the left corner, kindly choose the type of documents you need to do. For example, click the Flowchart and choose among the criteria for an instant process.After the log-in process, you will reach its main interface, wherein you need to be on the New option. On the said option, you will see various templates you need to choose for your map.

Start working on your map by taking the initial step of labeling the information, starting up with the main subject at the center. Afterward, continue by expanding it by following the Hotkeys.

Now, feel free to explore the Menu Bar for the elements you can add to its knowledge organization tools. Also, you can add images, links, and comments to the map by navigating the Insert option from the ribbon. Then, you may click the Share button, set your preference, and hit the Copy Link tab for the collaboration process.

Finally, suppose you want to export your map; for printing purposes, you may hit the Export button and pick your preferred format.

Further Reading
Part 4. FAQs about Knowledge Maps
Can I make a map for knowledge abruptly?
It depends if you have already prepared the details before making the map. In addition, if you have already mastered navigating the program software you use, then creating it will not take time.
What does knowledge audit mean?
The knowledge audit identifies the implicit and explicit information of the business. It determines if employees implied the knowledge of the business.
What does knowledge gap analysis mean?
The knowledge gap analysis is a technique used by the princess-based organizations. They use it to identify the unknown and unseen areas of the product that need to develop.
The knowledge map benefits those who want to have a successful business. To create it properly, you must know its precise meaning and follow the essential tips we have given previously. Finally, get a map maker tool to help you produce an efficient and persuasive map like the MindOnMap!