Learn Everything about the German History Timeline

Looking for an understandable German history timeline? In that case, you must read all the information from this post. We will discuss all the details you need. We included the time when Germany became a country, who did it and the important events that happened during the time. After that, you will also get to know the best way to create an excellent history timeline using an amazing timeline creator. So, if you want to obtain all the data from this blog post, you must start reading the whole content.

German History Timeline

Part 1. When was Germany Established as a Country, and Who Did it

If you want to know when Germany was established as a country, then it is best to begin learning a little history first. Germany was founded in 962 AD. It derived its name from the Emperor Julius Caesar. He is the one who named the Rhine River as Germania. The tribes of Germany underwent migration to create the Central Part of the Roman Empire in the 10th century. In 1866, Prussia conquered Austria and its allied forces. It put an end to the influence of Austria in Germany, which lasted since the 15th century. After that, it was followed by three complete victories against France, France, and the Hapsburg monarchy.

So, first, Germany was recognized as a region in 962 AD. Then, in January 1871, Germany became a unified state. Then, on October 3rd of 1990, West Germany and East Germany were united to form the present Federal Republic of Germany. The one who established modern Germany in the 19th century was Otto von Bismarck. He is also known as the “Iron Chancellor” and expanded the country through a series of wars. Lastly, he expanded Prussia to include German-speaking places in the Netherlands and France.

Part 2. German History Timeline

In this section, you will see the timeline of German history. You will understand clearly the important events in the past through visual presentation. So, to learn more, start viewing the images and read the information below.

German History Timeline Image

Early Modern Germany

See here the complete German history timeline

1618-1648: Thirty Years War. The failure of the Habsburg emperor's attempt to restore Catholic dominance. It also includes the imperial authority against the opposition of Protestant princes. In the year 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia confirmed near total independence of territorial states.

1806: The army of Napoleon imposes French rule over much of Germany. Francis II declared the eradication of the Holy Roman Empire. It also adopts the title of emperor of Austria.

1813: Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Leipzig.

1848: Year of Revolution. This is the unsuccessful attempt to unite Germany under a democratic constitution. This year is the beginning of Rapid Industrialization.

1871: Otto von Bismarck achieves the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia.

1888: The beginning of the reign of William II. It started the trend toward colonial expansion.

1923: Adolf Hitler, the head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He leads an abortive coup in a beer hall in Munich.

Third Reich

1933: The Germans started to re-arm.

1938: Annexation of Sudetenland and Austria.

1939-1945: The invasion of Poland leads to World War II. Millions of people died as the Nazis implemented an extermination policy in the death camps in the eastern part of Europe.

1945: The Germans were defeated. Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Some of the allies divide Germany into occupation zones.

Country Splits

1949: Germany was divided. The French, US, and British zones in the west became the Federal Republic of Germany. Also, during this time, the Soviet zone in the east became the communist in German Democratic Republic.

1950s: It begins the economic growth in West Germany.

1955: West Germany joins Nato. On the other hand, East Germany joined the Warsaw Pact.

1957: West Germany joins the European Economic Community.

1973: This is the time when both West and East Germany joined the United Nations.

Wall Tumbles

1982: Helmut Kohl becomes the Christian Democrat Chancellor.

1987: Erich Honecker, the East German leader, pays a visit to the West.

1994: Russia, with the allied troops, leaves Berlin.

Schroeder Years

1998: Gerhard Schroeder, a Social Democrat leader, leads the coalition with the Green Party.

2001: The government decides to phase out nuclear energy over the next 20 years.

2002: The Euro replaces Deutsche Mark.

2002: The government pushes the controversial immigration bill by the upper house of parliament.

Financial Crisis

2008: Germany agrees to a $68bn plan. It is to save the country's largest bank from collapse.

2008: After a month, Germany is officially declared in recession.

2009: The economy shows a growth up to 0.3%, which brings out the recession.

2010: The official information shows that the German economy shrank by 5%.

2011 - Present

2012: Joachim Gauck was elected as the Federal President.

2015: The migrant numbers increase up to 1.5 million.

2016: Berlin terror attack on a Christmas market.

2017: Frank Walter Steinmeier became the next Federal President.

2019: British troops that stayed in Germany since World War II are expected to leave.

Part 3. Best Way to Make a German History Timeline

Creating the Timeline of German history is challenging. You will need to use an excellent tool that can provide all the functions you need to finish your desired outcome. So, if you want to create an amazing timeline, you can use MindOnMap. This timeline maker can let you create a timeline easily and effectively. It has an easy-to-understand interface, which allows you to operate the tool without encountering any issues. Plus, you can access all the functions you need. It includes different shapes, lines, arrows, colors, font styles, and more. Aside from that, you can also use various templates. With that, you can just just use the templates and start inserting all the content you need.

Additionally, after creating the timeline, you can save the masterpiece in various formats, such as JPG, SVG, PNG, etc. You can also save the timeline to your MindOnMap account. To start creating your history timeline, follow the simple procedure below.


Access MindOnMap on your browser. You can make an account or connect your Gmail account. Then, hit Create Online to proceed to the next process.

Create Online Mindonmap
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After that, click the New buttons and select the Fishbone template. Once done, you will see the tool's interface.

New Button Template Mindonmap

Double-click the Blue box and insert the main topic. Then, go to the top interface and click the Topic and Subtopic buttons to insert another box so you can insert all the details you need.

Blue Box Click Mindonmap

To make a colorful timeline, go to the Theme section. Then, you can choose your preferred theme.

Choose Preferred Theme Mindonmap

After creating the German history timeline, you can click the Save option above to save it on your account. You can also click the Share and Export option to download and share your output with other users.

Save The Final Output Mindonmap

For our verdict, we can say that MidnOnMap is among the best timeline creators you can access online. It is capable of providing all the needed functions. It can also offer a simple interface so that you can have a smooth timeline-creation process. Thus, to create an excellent timeline, it is best to utilize this tool.


To learn more about the German History timeline, you can get all the details from this article. You will discover all the important events. Also, if you want to create an exceptional timeline and other visual presentations to make your content understandable and engaging, the best way is to use MindOnMap. This tool can give various features and templates you can rely on to make a perfect visual presentation, such as a timeline, family tree, maps, and more.

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