Game of Thrones Targaryen Family Tree [Including the Way for Creating A Family Tree]
Among the most influential and powerful families in the mythology of Game of Thrones is the Targaryens. They also happen to be the sliest and most dreadful. That is because of their record of breeding dragons. However, most fans are only aware of the vast family tree that the Targaryen clan represents. Also, this review will introduce other leading families from the Game of Thrones. It is to make it more understandable for you. To get more ideas about the series, the post might help you with that. The post will teach you everything about the Game of Thrones family tree. Additionally, after learning all the characters from the family trees, you will know how to create a family tree using an online tool. So, to discover more about the topic, you must read the article.

- Part 1. Detailed Information on Game of Thrones
- Part 2. Family Trees of the 4 Main Families of Game of Thrones
- Part 3. How to Make A Game of Thrones Family Tree
- Part 4. FAQs about the Game of Thrones Family Tree
Part 1. Detailed Information on Game of Thrones
HBO has aired four seasons of the popular television series Game of Thrones. The television program is based on George R. Martin's monumental fantasy book series, A Song of Fire and Ice. A Game of Thrones is the title of the first book in the seven-book series. The show's creators and HBO chose to use that term as the show's moniker.

What is Game of Thrones all about?
Westeros and Essos are made-up continents where Game of Thrones is set. The environment is like the Middle Ages on Earth. Yet, as in many fantasy books, there is no direct connection to Earth's history. But, the plot has typical fantasy components. Swordplay, magic, and exotic animals like dragons are all part of it. These aspects are underplayed in favor of human drama and political intrigue.

The three main plotlines from the book series are represented in the TV show. The first is the ongoing civil war in Westeros between the rival houses. Each fought for the sovereignty of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and the Iron Throne. Hence, Game of Thrones was born. The Starks of Winterfell, the Lannisters, and the Baratheons of Dragonstone. Three leading houses engaged in this civil war. The Baratheons hold the Iron Throne at the beginning of the series. However, after King Robert Baratheon dies, the Lannister family takes control. Robert's wife, Cersei Lannister, becomes queen-regent, and her son ascends to the throne. Tyrion Lannister also joins the family as their top counsel. Following that, many of the other houses rebel against Lannister's rule. They assert their claim to the Iron Throne.
The second plot thread is set in the harsh desert nation of Essos. The sole remaining heir to House Targaryen and exiled daughter of Daenerys Targaryen. She plans to gather an army and return to Westeros to retake the Iron Throne. Her older brother tricked Daenerys into marrying the Dothraki tribe chief Khal Drogo. He's now the former was a strong queen who owned three dragons. Since the Targaryen era, a species has developed a thinking instinct. Daenerys aims to cross the Narrow Sea with the help of her dragons and the sizable army she is assembling. It divides the two continents and overthrows the people who murdered her father.
The third plot line takes place near the enormous ice fortification. It is the Wall in the northern region of Westeros. Jon Snow, the adopted son of Ned Stark, joins the Night's Watch. He defends the southern territories from ”wildling” humans and otherworldly ”beyond the Wall.” They are a small force tasked with guarding the southern territories and are posted at the Wall. The Wall and the Night's Watch are under siege by wildling invaders who want to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. Most of Westeros must be aware of what's happening at the Wall. The inhabitants of the Seven Kingdoms are not ready for the impending danger.
Part 2. Family Trees of the 4 Main Families of Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Targaryen Family Tree

King Jaehaerys I Targaryen

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen

Aemon, King Jaehaeyrs' heir, had only one child, Rhaenys, also known as the Queen Who Never Was. After Jaehaeyrs' sons died, she appeared to be the obvious choice to take the Iron Throne. But the Great Council gave Viserys, a man, the throne. Lord Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys got married. Laena and Laenor Velaryon were their two children. Rhaenys' role in the series was little. But recently, her involvement in castle politics has become apparent. When Aegon is crowned King, she establishes her strength and relationship with Rhaenyra. She destroys his coronation atop Meleys, the dragon.
King Viserys I

On the Iron Throne, Viserys succeeded his grandfather, King Jaehaerys. They had a daughter, Princess Rhaenyra, after he wed his cousin, Queen Aemma. The succession plan is upset when Aemma dies. It happens after Viserys forces her to have a C-section against her wishes. Viserys picks Rhaenyra as his heir instead of his younger brother Daemon since he lacks a son to inherit the throne. After a second marriage, Viserys has a son, Aegon II, with Alicent Hightower.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

The oldest of King Viserys' children is Princess Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra was designated as Viserys' heir after the death of her mother. But a few years later, after his first child's birth, some people questioned Rhaenyra's claim to the throne. The Targaryen civil war culminates in Rhaenyra competing with her younger brother. Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey were the children born to Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor. She later wed Prince Daemon, and they had three more children together. These are Viserys II, Visenya, and Aegon III.
Prince Daemon Targaryen

Daemon was widely believed to be the heir to the kingdom because he was King Viserys' younger brother. Viserys then revoked his hood and appointed Rhaenyra as his replacement. Daemon ultimately wed three times. Lady Rhea Royce was the subject of his first union. Then came Laena Velaryon, with whom he had Rhaena and Baela as children. He then wed Princess Rhaenyra, and the two of them produced three more kids.
Aemond Targaryen

Prince Aemond Targaryen is the second son and third child of King Viserys and Queen Alicent. Because he could not form a link with a dragon, Aemond was made fun of. It should go without saying that Aemond's future is significant. The giant dragon still alive, Vhagar, is his to keep. He will likely play an important role in the impending Targaryen civil war after killing Prince Lucerys.
Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen is the most youthful daughter of Aerys II. During a great storm, she was born in exile at the end of Robert’s Rebellion. She earned a nickname of “Daenerys Stormborn.” After seeing her brother die and marrying Drogo, Daenerys gained confidence. Then, she became the mistress of her destiny. With actual dragons by her side, Dany became the ‘Mother of Dragons,’ making her even more badass.
Stark Family Tree in GOT

Bran the Builder is the ancestor of House Stark members and the Seven Kingdoms. He was a legendary First Man who created the well-known house and lived in the Age of Heroes. According to folklore, he is credited with creating the Wall and other things. The Starks conquered their adversaries to become the Kings of Winter. After protracted battles with the cruel Red Kings of Bolton, it is now emerging victorious. The Starks, led by King Jon, exterminated the pirates at the White Knife after defeating the Boltons. Later, the final Marsh King was murdered by his son, King Rickard Stark. The Neck was later granted to the Reeds after he married his daughter to claim it. Then, King Rodrik Stark defeated an Ironborn opponent for Bear Island and House Mormont. After putting down a rebellion, Karlon Stark, the King's younger son in the North at the time, was awarded estates in the eastern part of the country. Karl's Hold became known as ”Karhold,” and his descendants were known as Karstarks. The Starks remained in power in the North for many years. They protected their territory from all potential attackers before Targaryens came to Westeros.
Game of Thrones Lannister Family Tree

One of Westeros' Great Houses is House Lannister. one of the country's wealthiest, most influential, and oldest dynasties. Tyrion, Cersei, and Jaime are the main characters. Members of the house include the recurrent characters Tywin, Kevan, and Lancel. Lord of Casterly Rock and the leader of House Lannister is Tywin. They live in the very western part of the continent. Casterly Rock, a vast rocky outcropping with a view of the Sunset Sea, serves as their headquarters. Over the centuries, habitations and fortresses have been erected in it. They serve as the Lord's Paramount and Wardens of the Westerlands. The slogan of House Lannister is ”Hear me roar,” and their unofficial motto is ”A Lannister always pays his debts.” Their house insignia is a golden lion on a red background.
Hightower Game of Thrones Family Tree

The Hightowers dominated Oldtown and contributed to the construction of the Citadel. The masters, teachers, researchers, scientists, and messengers live there. In Martin's novel, they are. In Game of Thrones, Hightower House does have a significant role. The Hightower family's offspring remained close to the throne long after the Targaryen era was over. So much so that Margaery Tyrell, a Hightower ancestor, becomes queen.
Part 3. How to Make A Game of Thrones Family Tree
In Game of Thrones, there are many characters you need to know. However, since there are tons, it’s confusing to memorize all of them. If so, you need to create a family tree to have a record of the characters. Thankfully, this part will teach you how to create a Game of Thrones Family tree. You need to use a simple tree chart maker to create the chart. You can use MindOnMap to create a Game of Thrones family tree. The online tool can provide tree map templates to ease your work. With this template, you can already input the characters' names and photos. Additionally, you can change your chart's color using themes, making it more unique and colorful. The main interface of the tool is smooth. So, you can ensure that even if you have no talent for creating a family tree, you can still operate the tool. Moreover, another feature you can experience with MindOnMap is its collaborative feature. You can let other people edit your family tree by sending the link of your work. Check the method below to learn how to create a Game of Thrones family tree.
Go to the family tree maker website and create your MindOnMap account. After that, click the Create Online button. Another web page will appear on the screen. Another option to use the family tree maker is clicking Free Download below to install its desktop version.
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Select the New menu on the left web page. Then, click the Tree Map template to proceed to the main interface.

To start creating the Game of Thrones family tree, click the Main Nodes. Then you can insert the name of a character. Also, go to the upper interface and click the Image button to add an image from your computer. You can also use the Nodes and Sub-nodes to add more characters to your family tree. Use themes to add colors to the background.

When you finish making the family tree, save the final output. Click the Save option to save the output in your MindOnMap account. To collaborate with others, click the Share option. Also, hit the Export button to save the family tree with other formats.

Part 4. FAQs about the Game of Thrones Family Tree
How complex is the Game of Thrones family tree?
The Game of Thrones family trees are intricate and contain many offspring born outside marriage. The Game of Thrones family trees became even more complicated when relationships developed between multiple Houses. It could be challenging to trace the family trees due to marriages, incest, and death.
Who are Starks in Game of Thrones?
Thousands of years before the first people created Westeros, the Starks are the oldest family in the kingdom. This Games of Thrones family tree has a lengthy and deep past. Therefore there are a lot of unknowns.
How many Kingdoms and Houses are there in Games of Thrones?
There are around 300 aristocratic houses and seven Kingdoms. However, only nine Houses are referred to as Great Houses or Great Families, while the rest are considered lower noble.
Now, you have learned the Game of Thrones family tree with pictures to make it more understandable. Also, if you want to create a Game of Thrones family tree and more, use MindOnMap. It will guide you to achieve your goal more efficiently.