Perfect Guide to Complete Elden Ring Family Tree
Elden Ring is an excellent role-playing game on Windows, Play station 4 and 5, Xbox, One, and other gaming platforms. When you try to play the game, you will encounter several characters. Little did you know some of the characters are related to each other. If you want to know each character's relationship, creating a family tree is the best solution. Luckily, the post can provide what you need. You will discover the family tree of the Elden Ring and the relationship they have. Additionally, the post will provide a simple tutorial to build the entire Elden Ring family tree.

- Part 1. Introduction to Elden Ring
- Part 2. Elden Ring Family Tree
- Part 3. Method to Create the Elden Ring Family Tree
- Part 4. FAQs about Elden Ring Family Tree
Part 1. Introduction to Elden Ring
FromSoftware created the 2022 action role-playing game Elden Ring. The publisher of the game was Bandai Namco Entertainment. It was made by fantasy author George R. R. Martin and directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki. It was published on February 25 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. In the game, players command a player character that may be customized as they travel to fix the titular Elden Ring. Also, it is to take over as the new Elden Lord.

Elden Ring was intended to be a development of the series' self-titled debut by FromSoftware. Their goal was to make an open-world game with gameplay comparable to Dark Souls. Martin did excellent work. Also, Miyazaki anticipated that his input would result in a story that was easier to understand than in past FromSoftware productions. As a result, they produced one of the most outstanding role-playing games, the Elden Ring.
Part 2. Elden Ring Family Tree

Based on the Elden Ring family tree, there are four main characters. They are Godfrey, Queen Mrika, Radagom, and Queen Renalla. Godfrey is the first Elden Lord. His partner is Queen Marika the Eternal. They have three offspring. They are Mohg, Morgott, and Goldwyn. Mohg is the lord of blood. Morgott is the omen king, and Goldwyn is known as the Golden. Based on the family tree, Queen Marika also has another partner, Radagon, of the golden order. Marika and Radagon have two offspring, Miqualla, and Melania. Moreover, there is Queen Renalla. Her partner is Radagon. They have three offspring. They are General Radahn, Ranni, the Lunar Princess, and Rykard. You can encounter these key characters when playing the Elden Ring games.
To understand the characters, see more explanation below.
The first Elden Lord and spouse of Queen Marika the Eternal was Godfrey. He was a mythical mortal hero who would rise to become the first of the gods. But after winning his greatest triumph, he fell from favor. After that, he was banished from the Lands Between and turned into the first Tarnished. After pledging to become a lord, Godfrey took the spectral Beast Regent Serosh on his back.
In Elden Ring, Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, is a Legend Boss. Rennala is one of the shard bearers that lives in the Academy of Raya Lucaria, despite not being a demigod. Powerful sorceress Rennala is the head of the Carian Royal family and a former head of the Academy. renalla-image.jpg
Demigod Godwyn the Golden was the child of Godfrey, the First Elden Lord, and Queen Marika the Eternal. Black Knife Assassins killed him. It happens during the 'Night of the Black Knives' using daggers with the Rune of Death imprinted on them. Godwyn dies during the Night of Black Knives.
Queen Marika shared ancestry with the Numen people. She was an Empyrean who would become a god and hold the Elden Ring in her hands. She gave her half-brother Maliketh a gift when she became an Empyrean. She withdrew the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring.
Radagon was known as a famous champion with flowing red hair who would travel to Liurnia. He's with a large golden army and engages Rennala in combat. They would engage in two wars, the First and Second Liurnian Wars. After cleaning himself with Celestial Dew and professing his love for Rennala, Radagon finally atoned for his territorial aggression.
Rani, also called Ranni the Lunar Princess. She was the offspring of Queen Rennala and Radagon, a champion of the Golden Order. Radahn and Rykard, her two older brothers, were born. Ranni could replace Queen Marika as the divine ruler of the Lands Between because she was an Empyrean.
Elden Ring's Demigod Boss is Mohg, Lord of Blood. This Omen deity is an expert at blood magic. Mohg accepted his cursed Omen blood and learned to use blood flame magic after coming into contact with the Formless Mother. Elden Ring does not need you to defeat Mohg because he is an optional boss. He is a shard bearer, though, and before accessing Leyndell, the Royal Capital, two of the five eligible shard bearers must be defeated.
In Elden Ring, the demigod boss is named Morgott the Grace Given. Morgott, the Fell Omen and self-styled "Last of All Kings," is Margit's real identity. He and Mohg were imprisoned in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. It is because they were born as Omen royalty. Morgott cherished the Golden Order anyway. When his fellow demigods attacked during the Shattering.
Part 3. Method to Create the Elden Ring Family Tree
Elden Ring is an exciting game you can play and enjoy. However, since the characters have many couples, it is confusing to know their lineage. Building the Elden Ring family tree is necessary to understand more about the characters. In that case, use MindOnMap. It is a web-based family tree maker you can use in all browsers. The tool is capable of helping you create the Eleden Ring family tree. MindOnMap provides numerous templates to use, reliable functions, and easy-to-understand procedures. This way, you can tell that the tool is perfect for all users, specifically non-professional users. In addition, unlike other family tree makers, MindOnMap lets you insert the character's image using the Image icon from the interface. With this function, you can familiarize the characters easily and quickly.
Furthermore, MindOnMap has another feature you can enjoy. The tool offers an auto-saving feature. While creating the Elden family tree, the tool can save your work automatically. With this kind of feature, you can’t lose your data easily. Another thing, the tool supports various output formats. It includes JPG, PNG, DOC, SVG, PDF, and more. Use the simple instructions below to get an idea about creating the Elden Ring family tree.
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Before creating the Elden Ring family tree, visit the MindOnMap website first. Then, the tool will let you sign up to create your MindOnMap account. Then, the following process you need to do is to click the Create Your Mind Map option.

After that, the tool will bring you to another web page. When the web page has already appeared, click the New menu to the left part. Then, you will see numerous templates on the screen. Navigate to the Tree Map template and click it.

When the interface already shows up, click the Main Node button. It allows you to insert the character’s name. To put an image, click the Image icon. To add another Elden Ring character, go to the Add Node options. To show their relationship, use the Relation option.

When you finish creating the Elden Ring family tree, you can proceed with the saving. If you want to preserve your chart on your account, click the Save option. Let’s say you want to see your output in a PDF format. Then you can click the Export button and choose PDF. Besides PDF, you can also export the chart to JPG, PNG, SVG, and more formats.

Further Reading
Part 4. FAQs about Elden Ring Family Tree
1. Does the Elden Ring have an easy mode?
Based on the game, you cannot encounter a difficulty level (like Easy, Hard, or Expert). The creator ensures the Elden Ring is accessible to all players or gamers.
2. How much will the Elden Ring cost?
The price of the Elden Ring differs depending on the version. When you buy the standard version of Elden Ring, you can buy it for about $60.00. Then, if you want to buy the deluxe version, it costs $80.00.
3. Is Elden Ring an open-world game?
Definitely, yes. Unlike the previous game from FromSoftware, Elden Ring is an open-world game. Going back to FromSoftware, it’s clear that they plan to create an open-world game. After that, the Elden Ring was created.
If you play Elden Ring, you will be assured that you won’t get confused about the characters after reading the post. Also, if the time comes that you want to generate the Elden Ring family tree, use MindOnMap. The tool doesn’t require highly skilled users. MindOnMap is perfect for all users, especially beginners.