Ten Educational Concept Map Examples for Teachers and Students
Calling out the attention of the teachers and students who are looking for concept map examples of different kinds. It is your lucky day, for we are about to present and discuss ten different types of concept maps that are related to your learnings. You should know that a concept map results from your thoughts and ideas that are presented to grasp the complexity of the subject quickly. Therefore, they should be presented in a manner that the readers or viewers would easily comprehend. However, how would you present a concept map when you are about to discuss topics such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, or depression, perhaps? We know that these subjects are difficult to report. Hence, after reading this article, we are sure that you will have a good perception of making concept maps using examples on such topics.

- Part 1. Introducing 10 Concept Map Examples
- Part 2. The Helpful Concept Map Maker Online
- Part 3. FAQs About Concept Map
Part 1. Introducing 10 Concept Map Examples
To boot, let’s have the first five examples that are brought specially for the teachers to use. These examples will enable teachers to easily organize their knowledge on their given topic.
Samples of Concept Map for Teachers
1. Syntax Concept Map Example
In teaching this branch of linguistics, the concept map is what suits best to promote its extensive components and cut them into chunks. As shown in the sample below, the components and the types of sentences with their syntax are completely comprehended and presented with only one illustration. This is just one of the creative concept map examples that a teacher needs for her presentation, as well as for her personal intention of mastering the topic.

2. History Concept Map Example
If you are a history teacher, you must know how to sequence the events in the past. In addition, it is not enough that you know the dates, but also the highlights of those events, so that anytime a student asks you about it, you know how to explain it. Therefore, the sample below shows the chronological order of the history of Korea from its origin until it was divided. Good thing that in a concept map, you won’t need to include a lot of details, for it only requires simple but concrete ones.

3. Example of a Concept Map for Science
Science is probably one of the most hectic and difficult to teach. Imagine the multiple branches it has, and to be a science teacher, you must be familiar with all of those. On the other hand, the example below depicts the element and procedure of a long-term vegetation change. The characteristics of components and the means of measurement are shown. This illustration is good for letting the students know how this subject matter is acquired.

4. Fitness Concept Map Example
Teachers of Physical Education can use a concept map to justify the context of their subject matter. The health concept map example below perfectly represents motivating students to have good health. With this, teachers and students can share their ideas and insights by looking at the illustration and seeing what they can adopt from it.

5. Literature Concept Map Example
Those who teach Literature must know how to instruct the students to strategize in memorizing a topic. Just like the excellent sample below about the parts or elements of poetry, by looking at it, you will easily retain in mind the branches of the poetry's figurative language and its structure of elements. Every student will quickly grasp the topic if the teacher follows this example of a concept map in Literature.

Samples of Concept Map for Students
Now, let's see samples of concept maps applicable for students to follow. As we know how concept maps are helpful to teachers, and so shall to students too. Thus, without further adieu, let's get started right away.
1. Health Awareness Concept Map Example
Now, let us have this kind of sample giving directives and awareness about the specific topic. As part of being a student, there will be a time that your teacher will assign you to report a case that aims to reach the understanding of your classmates. For this reason, the given concept map example for students below obviously depicts the symptoms and remedies of the widespread virus today, the Covid19.

2. Nursing Concept Map Sample
Next on the list is this example for Nursing students on a deeper understanding of Pneumonia. It depicts the six stages of the subjects, such as the assessment, medication, diagnostics, symptoms, causes, and the intervention of the nurses. In addition, this kind of concept map would be beneficial for nursing students in absorbing and memorizing topics easily.

3. Biology Concept Map Sample
Another easy yet comprehensive sample for the students to acquire is this concept map example for biology. By looking at the example, you can quickly identify what the tree gives. Please take note that since the concept map only shows short but detailed information, it makes a big help for the students to memorize such information instantly. For this reason, students' scanning scheme before the exam has been made easier and faster.

4. Math Concept Map Sample
Next is the most talked-about subject of the students, Mathematics. Putting all the equations and formulas in mind is a pain in the butt. However, students need to be strategists sometimes. If you find it hard to recognize the linear equations, feel free to use this example of a concept map in Mathematics. Indeed, this strategy will instill those formulas in your mind.

5. Physics Concept Map Sample
Physics is a complex subject a student will have, for it has broad components with nature, matter, and energy. Therefore, students may agree that there is no confidence in studying Physics. It is why, as the saying goes, the more brains, the better. For this reason, the sample below is a kind of concept map produced by brainstorming about the bodies in motion. At the same time, by looking at it, you will determine where the emotions come from. For this example, a concept map in Physics depicts the movement, velocity, speed, and even the Mathematical description of an action.

Part 2. The Helpful Concept Map Maker Online
With all the samples being presented, you will need a reliable and remarkable concept map maker to help you produce such a kind of map. Hence, we give you the MindOnMap, the best concept map, mind map, chart, and diagram maker online. Furthermore, this powerful web-based tool offers every stencil and tool that you will need to create persuasive and comprehensive maps while looking creative due to the icons, background, colors, and fonts you can use in them. And so, whether you need to produce an example of a concept map for depression, Mathematics, Physics, History, and more, all you need to do is access MindOnMap’s straightforward interface and do the task in just a few minutes! Well, that’s what you will find out by looking at the detailed guidelines below.
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Visit the Website
Open your browser, and visit www.mindonmap.com. Upon reaching the main page, click the Create Your Mind Map tab, and sign in freely using your email account.

Get a Template
Proceeding to the next page, click the New tab, and feel free to select any of the templates available on the right. You will notice that both themed and default templates are available. Just choose the one that applies to the concept map example you will make.

Begin the Concept Map
On the main interface of the concept map maker, begin customizing the map. Start with labeling and expanding the nodes if needed by following the hotkeys given on the themed template chosen below.

Customize the Map
Start to customize the map according to your preference by adjusting the nodes' fonts, colors, and shapes. Explore its Menu Bar and navigate the stencils there to do so. Also, you may add links, comments, and images to the nodes when you go to the Ribbon Bar. Then, save the map by clicking the Export button.

Part 3. FAQs About Concept Map
Is the graphic organizer an example of a concept map?
No. But the concept map is a graphic organizer that helps learners organize their thoughts and ideas with it.
Can I make a concept map using Word?
Yes, you can make a concept map in Word. Microsoft Word is also a great tool to create concept maps, with its excellent and tremendous stencils. However, the procedure of making it will not be as straightforward as the procedures of the MindOnMap.
Is a concept map the same as a thinking map?
Both contain expanded ideas of a subject matter. However, they vary in style and structure. The concept map has many clusters and branches, while the thinking map has a radius.
You just explored the various examples of concept maps for students and teachers. Those samples are just based on what we think they will use most of the time. However, you may use those kinds of templates for different topics. Tag along with the best concept map maker online - MindOnMap - on that account, so it will assist you accordingly and efficiently at no cost.