Explore Whole Belmont Family Tree in Castlevania
Are you interested in the Belmont clan and the Belmont family tree? In that case, read this post as we give you all the details about the Belmont family in Castlevania. Also, you will discover the easiest way to create a family tree of the Belmonts using an excellent online tool. So, read the post immediately and learn everything you need.

- Part 1. Castlevania Introduction
- Part 2. Introduction to Belmont
- Part 3. Belmont Family Tree
- Part 4. Method to Create the Belmont Family Tree
- Part 5. FAQs about Belmont Family Tree
Part 1. Castlevania Introduction
An animated series called Castlevania made its Netflix debut in January 2019. Both critics and viewers alike laud the show. But one of its excellent features is how it uses animation to develop the characters' personalities. Castlevania resembles a live-action fantasy film in many respects. There are a lot of characters vying for screen time as well as strong action situations. However, it also employs animation to bring these characters' personalities to life.

The Belmont family has been involved in the comic book and animated television industries. We see the characters in this new animated series as they adapt to their new lives as members of a renowned gang that fights crime. We will learn how these characters became a crucial component of video games as we examine their past. Additionally, after reading the content, you will learn more about the Belmont family. It includes every other key Castlevania character.
Part 2. Introduction to Belmont
The most significant and well-known clan in the Castlevania games is the Belmont Clan. Additionally, its core characters are frequently its members. They are not the only protagonists in the franchise, although playing a significant part in the series' history. But they are essential to the majority of game plots.

The Belmont family has been charged with the task of killing Count Dracula ever since the eleventh century. Other nighttime monsters are also included. Their primary weapon for this is the sacred whip known as the Vampire Killer. Both Dracula and any other creature of evil can be destroyed by it. They use their expertise and magical abilities with other weapons to do this. They became known as the most potent vampire-hunting family ever because of it.
Part 3. Belmont Family Tree
See the Belmont family tree below for a better understanding. The family only contains characters with the same clan and bloodline.

As you can see, at the top of the Belmont family tree is Leon Belmont. He is the first member of the clan to be a vampire hunter. The next in line is Trevor Belmont, the next vampire hunter after Leon. He has a wife, Sypha. They have a daughter and son, Amanda and Frederic. There is also Christopher, the father of Gerhart and the one who defeated Dracula a hundred years after he was revived. Juste Belmont is the grandson of Simon Belmont. Then, the descendant of Simon is Richter Belmont, who has a wife, Annette. Also, as you can see on the family tree, Julius Belmont is the last member of the Belmont clan.
Leon Belmont
Leon Belmont started the custom of vampire hunting in the bloodline. He was also the first member to use the Vampire Killer in its entirety. But he was unable to kill Dracula. It is because Dracula escaped before Leon could take any action to stop him. Once a knight, he renounced his knighthood to go after his betrothed's captors, precipitating the game's events.

Trevor Belmont
Since Trevor is the first Belmont to have defeated Dracula, he has become legendary. People who lived distant from Wallachia feared him because of his abilities. Dracula and his legions had attacked Transylvania. No man could stand up to him, so the Church had to look among the Belmont family. They came across Trevor, who had defeated hordes of Dracula's legions.

Christopher Belmont
Christopher Belmont is another main character who fights Dracula and wins the battle. But Dracula pretended to lose and waited 15 years for an opportunity, which he found when Christopher Belmont's son Soleil was born. After his son turned 15, he took control of Soleil and made Christopher walk through five castles.

Simon Belmont
The clan's most well-known member is Simon Belmont. Simon entered the castle alone and battled his way through despite the legend that each resurrection of Dracula makes him stronger. After the battles, he defeated Dracula. Although he suffered combat wounds, Dracula cursed Simon before his demise. This curse prevented the wound from healing and killed him.

Juste Belmont
Juste is a Belmont member who appeared in 1748. He needs to explore the castle and reveal its secrets. He discovered that it was because of other personalities of Maxim that the castle resurfaced. Juste Belmont battled to save Maxim. Then finally, he battled a wraith that used the image of Dracula. It was born out of the feelings of Maxim and the relics.

Richter Belmont
Richter Belmont is the descendant of Simon Belmont. He is also a great vampire hunter. Richter is one of the main protagonists of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. He also reappeared as a supporting character in Castlevania games. In the Belmont clan, Richter is one of the most powerful members.

Julius Belmont
Julius Belmont appeared in the 20th century. Julius is the first full-blooded Belmont after Richter Belmont, and took up the whip. In the era of Julius, he is known as the strongest vampire hunter.

Part 4. Method to Create the Belmont Family Tree
If you plan to create a Belmont family tree easily and instantly, use MindOnMap. This online tool lets you draw a family tree without experiencing a complication. It is because it can offer an intuitive interface with a free template to ease the process. In addition, MindOnMap gives you many tools to use for making a creative and colorful family tree. It includes themes, backdrop, colors, and more options. This way, you can ensure to get a wonderful final output. Moreover, MindOnMap is accessible to all web browsers. You can use the tool on Google, Safari, Explorer, Firefox, and more. Follow the simple way to create the Belmont family tree below.
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Open your browser and go to the website of MindOnMap. Then, create your MiindOnMap account to begin the procedure. You can also connect the MindOnMap to your Gmail account. Once you are done, click the Create Your Mind Map option.

When the new web page already appears, select the New option. Then, click the Tree Map template to begin the family tree-making procedure.

You will see the Main Node option in the middle when you are already on the main interface. Click it to type the character name of the Belmont member. Use the Node options on the top interface to add more Belmont members. To insert the images of the Belmonts, use the Image option. To connect all the Belmonts, use the Relation button.

For the saving process, click the Save button. You can save your family tree in PDF, JPG, PNG, and more formats by clicking the Export button.

Part 5. FAQs about Belmont Family Tree
What was the purpose of the Belmont clan?
The Belmont clan are vampire hunters. Their purpose is to defeat vampires. One of their goals is to defeat Dracula, their great enemy.
Why is Simon considered the strongest Belmont?
It is because he defeated Dracula not once but twice. With this, Dracula cursed Simon, slowly killing him.
What is the Belmont family tree?
The Belmont family tree contains all of Belmont's relatives based on their bloodlines. With the help of the family tree, you can easily discover their relationships and who comes first in their lineage.
Creating the Belmont family tree is great, especially for learning about all the characters and their bloodline. It will give you a complete idea of the discussion. Also, if you want to make a family tree about the Belmont family tree, use MindOnMap. It will make the family-tree-creating procedure easy and fast.