The Lord of The Rings: Discover Aragorn’s Family Tree
If you have watched The Lord of The Rings, maybe you know one of the main characters, Aragorn. In this guidepost, you will learn about the family tree of Aragorn. In addition, the post will provide an introduction to the movie. After that, you will discover Aragorn's role in the film. Moreover, the post will offer an understandable process for making the Aragorn family tree. So, read more to find out.

- Part 1. Introduction to the Lord of The Rings
- Part 2. Introduction to Aragorn
- Part 3. How to Build Aragorn Family Tree
- Part 4. Aragorn Family Tree
- Part 5. FAQs about Aragorn Family Tree
Part 1. Introduction to the Lord of The Rings
An English author and scholar, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the epic high-fantasy masterpiece The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien, R. R. Beginning as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 children's book The Hobbit, the tale is set in Middle-earth. But eventually grew into a much bigger piece of art. The Lord of the Rings is among the best-selling books ever and was written in phases between 1937 and 1949. 150 million copies have been sold. The Dark Lord Sauron, the story's major enemy, is referenced in the title.
To control the other Power Rings granted to Men, Dwarves, and Elves, he built the One Ring. The Hobbit world is evocative of rural England. It is a result of his campaign to annex all of Middle-earth after starting in the Shire. Following the quest to eradicate the One Ring, the story takes place throughout Middle-earth. Four hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, saw it through their eyes. The wizard Gandalf, the elf Legolas, the man Aragorn, and the dwarf Gimli are helping Frodo. They band together to mobilize the Free People of Middle-earth against Sauron's troops.

Although referred to as a trilogy, Tolkien intended the book to be one volume of a two-volume set along with The Silmarillion. They also allow Frodo to destroy the One Ring in the fire of Mount Doom. The Lord of the Rings was released over a year, from 29th of July 1954 to 20th October 1955, due to financial constraints. Its three volumes are The Two Towers, The Fellowship of the Ring, and lastly, The Return of the King. Six books—two per volume—make up the work. It includes many background appendices. Some later printings adhere to the author's original aim by printing the complete work in a single volume.
Part 2. Introduction to Aragorn
Aragorn is a fictional character in The Lord of the Rings. Also, Aragorn was a Ranger of the North. Then, he was revealed to be the heir of Isildur, an ancient King of Gondor and Arnor. He played a part in the quest to eradicate the One Ring and beat the Dark Lord Sauron. Plus, Aragorn fell in love with Arwen, an immortal elf. However, Arwen's father, Elrond, forbade them to marry unless Aragorn became Arnor and Gondor's King. Aragorn led the group of the Ring following the fall of Gandalf in Moria. When the Fellowship was broken, he tracked Peregrin Took and the hobbits Meriadoc Brandybuck. It is because of the assistance of Legolas, Gimli, the elf, and the dwarf, to Fangorn Forest. He then fought at Helm's Deep and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

After beating Sauron's forces in Gondor, he guided an army of Rohan and Gondor against the Black Gate of Mordor. They distract Sauron's attention and enable Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins to eradicate the One Ring. Aragorn was acclaimed as the new King by the people of Gondor and crowned King of both Gondor and Arnor. He then married Arwen and ruled for 122 years. Tolkien developed the character of Aragorn over a long period. It begins with a hobbit nicknamed Trotter and trying out many names before arriving at a Man named Aragorn.
Part 3. How to Build Aragorn Family Tree
To build the Aragorn family tree, you can use MindOnMap. This family tree maker can offer every function you need when creating a family tree diagram. You can use various nodes, connecting lines, colors, themes, designs, images, and more. With the help of these functions, you can ensure that you will get your desired final output. Moreover, this family tree maker provides a trouble-free method during the tree diagram-making process. You can easily understand each function from the interface, making it perfect for all users, especially non-professional users.
Plus, when you finish creating the Aragorn family tree, you can save it to various output formats. You can save it as JPG, PNG, PDF, SVVG, and more formats. Another feature you can enjoy is its capability to share the tree diagram. Using the Share option, you can share the family tree through links. There are more features you can encounter when using MindOnMap. See the steps below to learn more about making the Aragorn family tree.
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To create the Aragorn family using the online tool, navigate to the website of MindOnMap. If you are a first-time user, the website will require you to create your MindOnMap account. After that, click the Create Your Mind Map button on the center part of the web page.

Then, another web page will pop up on your computer screen. Go to the New button to see more options. Then, when the web page is done loading, select the Tree Map function to access the free template. After clicking, you will encounter the tool’s main interface.

In this window, you can start creating the Aragoorn family tree. Click the Main Node option from the center interface to begin the procedure. Then type the name of the member. You can also add multiple nodes by clicking the Add Node options. Additionally, use the Relation function to connect the characters.

Another function you can experience when creating the family tree is the Theme function. The function can help you change and modify the color of the family tree. Click the Theme option to change the overall theme of the diagram. Click the Color option to change the Node’s color. Lastly, to change the background color, use the Backdrop option.

After the process you did to create the Aragorn family tree, you can now proceed to the saving process. If you want to download the family tree on your computer, use the Export option. You can save the diagram as PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG, and more. You can also hit the Share option to experience the tool’s collaborative feature. Also, to save the family tree on your account, click the Save button from the upper interface.

Part 4. Aragorn Family Tree

View details of Aragorn Family Tree
In this family tree, we can focus more on the relationship of Aragorn to other characters. As you can see on the family tree, Aragorn has a wife. She’s Arwen. They have their offspring. The name of their son is Eldarion. Also, they have daughters. Arwen has two siblings. They are Elladan and Elrohir. The parents of Aragorn are Arathorn II and Gilraen. Then, as you can see in the family, Arwen has more important ancestors on the upper part of the family tree. You will see Earendil and Elwing, the parents of Elrond. Also, there is Dior, the offspring of Luthien and Beren.
Further Reading
Part 5. FAQs about Aragorn Family Tree
1. Is Aragorn a king?
Absolutely, yes. Aragorn was renowned as King by the people of Gondor. Plus, he is the crowned King of both Arnor and Gondor. He then married Arwen and he ruled for 122 years.
2. What does Lord of the Rings stand for?
The Dark Lord Sauron, the story's major adversary, is alluded to in the title. To control the other Rings of Power given to Men, Dwarves, and Elves throughout his attempt to conquer all of Middle-earth, he forged the One Ring in a previous age.
3. Is Aragorn related to Elros Tar-Minyatur?
Yes, he is. Elros Tar-Minyatur, a half-elf and the first King of Numenor, is a distant ancestor of Aragorn. The Gods of Middle-earth created the unique island of Nmenor, home to men. Elros Tar-Minyatur and another significant figure are the sons of Eärendil and Elwing. In the First Age, Eärendil and Elwing also gave birth to Elrond.
Aragorn from The Lord of The Rings played a big role in the movie. That’s why creating an illustration like the Aragorn family tree is essential. You can read this guidepost to learn more about Aragorn. In addition, if you want a tool with a straightforward method of creating the Aragorn family tree, use MindOnMap. It has a simple interface and approach, which is suitable for all users.